Everybody Welcome

Private Sessions

Privates are the perfect opportunity to ask questions, work with injuries, or just receive extra attention and guidance. We offer private sessions for Yoga and Reiki.

Yoga Sessions

A private or semi private yoga sesssion with a Treetop instructor are a great way to be introduced to yoga for the first time, or to delve more deeply into a practice of any level.

​Here are some examples of the many people who use private yoga sessions:

People who are brand new to yoga and feel more comfortable learning the basics one on one

Yoga students of any level who are interested in advancing their current practice

People with injuries or limitations who want to develop a yoga practice that works for their bodies

Individuals who want to work through physical or emotional issues using the remarkable healing power of yoga therapy

​Most of our regular class instructors are available for private sessions.


Reiki is a Japanese energetic healing technique that is quite relaxing, promoting an overall state of peace and tranquility.

This simple and safe practice is performed fully clothed while lying on a massage table. The practitioner uses soft, gentle touch on (or above if preferredprefered the clients, channeling and directing the Universal Life Force Energy that flows through us all.

Reiki is known to have powerful calming and healing effects. Several of our teachers are Reiki practicers and you may experience the healing power of touch during some of our regular classes. A private session allows for a full healing session.


Thai Yoga Bodywork

This practice, whose origin is attributed to Jivaka KumarBhacca, the Buddha’s personal physician and is based on metta or “loving kindness”. It is often referred to as “lazy man’s yoga” because the receiver of the practice gains the myriad therapeutic benefits of a yoga practice without the effort of taking a class. It is great for most people regardless of body type, size, flexibility or yoga experience.

If you would like to experience the joy of Thai Yoga Bodywork, Treetop Yoga Studio offers full individual 60-90 minute sessions. Or you can try a taste at one of our monthly Restorative Yoga with Thai Bodywork workshops. 

Private Sessions

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