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Creating a Culture of Consent, One Class at a Time

Creating a Culture of Consent, One Class at a Time

What does it mean to create a culture of consent?  In an era of #MeToo, and the challenges of male-female consent, I believe Treetop Yoga is one of the best places to help people learn how to...

Peace, Love, and Insulin

Peace, Love, and Insulin

A sharp beep beep beep beep pierces through the silence of the room, reverberating off the studios walls and disturbing the serenity of svasana. UGHHHH I think to myself as my hand...

Overnight Oats to Get You Out the Door

Overnight Oats to Get You Out the Door

Find yourself struggling in the mornings to get the family up and ready and out the door? Are you arriving at work or to the studio flying by the seat of your pants, fueled by coffee (or yearning...